Thursday, December 3, 2009

I blog therefore I am (not working...)

Tomorrow. I need to have all this done by tomorrow. Family meeting that I know will go nowhere and then a Christmas party at the same family's house where, if what needs to be said is said, we'll all be staring awkwardly into our eggnogs and not at each other. Hrm. So rather than sob into my keyboard, I've decided to take a break and welcome you into my World of ABA with Brittany (TM). I'm currently only working with one family, two boys on opposite ends of the spectrum, but I've learned so incredibly much and, you lucky people, I've decided to share it with you.

From my Boys:

* No matter how you've monitored my water-intake, the number of times I've peed in the last, say, five minutes, and decided that I'm just trying to escape from a task... I need to POTTY. I have signed POTTY. And if I may not POTTY in the POTTY I will POTTY ON YOU.

* Give a boy a ring and he will spin for hours. Give a boy a ring and a ribbon and you will have mands out the wazoo for "IN". Give the ring and the ribbon to the Mom and she will tie them together and you'll be back to square one.

* Stims come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes productive actions are stims. Sometimes stims are productive actions. Put on your black-and-white Glasses of Logic and figure it out.

* My Song is My Song. It is a part of me and my personality. It gives you clues of who I am and what I am feeling. It may just be four notes over and over to you, but pay attention to my actions, my face, my movements, and you'll be able to see what I'm saying.

* Lady, if you're dragging me away from the TV you better have a DAMN good game is all I'm sayin'.

* As a therapist you may love that child. And you may disagree with his parents. But they loved him first. And, no matter what you may or may not think, what they do or may not do, they love him BEST.

* He is a CHILD with autism. Not an AUTISTIC child.

* Yes, I loved that game yesterday. That was yesterday. This is today.

* Fat men smell the best. And often their bellies will jiggle if you pat them gently. Also, I like it when you turn red and rush after me while yelling.

Okay, so that was only my one boy. My non-verbal bundle of pre-pubescent awesomeness. Who also will settle for tapping on boobies if there are no fat men to be found. Oy.


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